Elizabeth Of The Trinity

Elizabeth of the Trinity’s correspondence is full of advice concerning the presence of God: “May your soul be His sanctuary, a resting place for Him on this earth where He is so grievously offended. May He make of your soul a little heaven, where He may happily rest. Take away from it everything that might offend His divine eye. Live alone with Him. Wherever you are, whatever you may be doing, He never leaves you. Therefore, stay always with Him. Enter into the depths of your soul; you will always find Him there, longing to do you good. I say a prayer for you that Saint Paul used to say for his converts: he asked that Christ might dwell in their hearts by faith, that they might be rooted in charity (love). This expression is so deep, so mysterious. Yes, may God Who is all love be your unchanging dwelling place, your cell and your cloister in the midst of the world. Remember that He abides in the inmost center of your soul, as in a sanctuary and He wills to be loved there even to adoration….Think of the fact that you are in Him, that He makes Himself your abode here below. And then that He is in you, that you possess Him in the very depths of your being, that at every hour of the day and night, in every joy or sorrow, you may find Him there, quite near, within you. That is the secret of happiness, the secret of the Saints. They knew so well that they were the temples of God; that when we unite ourselves to this God, we become ‘one spirit with Him’, as Saint Paul says, illumined by that light they faced everything.” The mystery of the Trinity became the predominant truth of her life. —-An excerpt from the book, “The Spiritual Doctrine of Sister Elizabeth”

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