“I Will Survive”

Gloria Gaynor sang the popular song, “I Will Survive” in 1978. She sang it the other day on Facebook and Twitter, changing the words, “Texas, you will survive”. She appeared on “Fox and Friends” yesterday morning. She said she wanted people to feel uplifted and encouraged. She’s giving away thousands of teeshirts to the survivors, . but they are selling on Iwillsurvive.org. and 100 % of the proceeds will go to them. When asked what the story of her song was she replied. “It is the core of my purpose and I am so honored to have a song that seems to be doing so much for so many people. Brian asked her what was the message. “The message is that you have the ability – God has placed in each and every one of us something deep down inside that we can reach in and grab and pull up and use to overcome whatever adversity we find ourselves in.” Then she was asked what was her secret to do it so well for so long because she’s been singing this song for 40 years in her career. “My secret is not really a secret. It is a divine appointment. God gave me this song to help each and every one of you and that is what I purposely do.” There are cancer survivors and other people who have survived other things. She said there is actually a group called “We Will Survive” and they have stories that they have told her throughout the years of how they have survived different things through this song.

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