A Transformation Of The Heart

Alveda King was on Fox & Friends Saturday dicussing the objections to the third verse of the national anthem. She says something that was so profound. She said that it occurred to her that “it wasn’t the song, it’s not the flag, it’s not the confederate statues, but it’s our hearts. We need a transformation of the heart. We’re one blood, Acts 17:26. (“And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth” NKJV.) We’re all human beings. So we’re still fighting and wanting to bury the hatchet in each other’s back. Not take the hatchet out, embrace each other and get healed….We need a blood transfusion. You know, our hearts need to be transformed. My uncle Martin Luther King, Jr. said, ‘We have to learn to live together as brothers’….We have to be like little children and love each other and want to embrace each other. And how can we do that? Somebody just has to say stop, cease fire. We got to call a cease fire.”

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