
“Hope, a striking painting by Frederick Watts, hangs in the Tate Gallery in London. A beautiful, blindfolded woman is sitting on top of a globe. In her hand she holds a lute. All but one of the strings are broken. She touches the one string with her finger and bends forward, listening. She is filled with hope – believing the best in the worst possible circumstances. As long as hope is alive, life cannot get us down; we will not snap under the weight of our problems or afflictions. God is able to turn the worst situations around. Where hope exists, no night can be completely dark. Hope fills our hearts with joy even when ournhearts are breaking. It is hope that gives us an invincible spirit. This sinful world only knows about a hopeless end; the Christian knows an endless hope!” —– An excerpt from “Walking With God” by Solly Ozrovech

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