
Focus means to concentrate on and give total and undivided attention. It is actually the bridge that vision travels on. Faith is focus. That’s what faith does. You don’t want your vision to get off course. What are you believing for, what are you standing for. Pastor George Pearson was teaching on focus and gave this acronym. F – Follow O – One C – Course U – Until S – Successful. Follow one course until successful. What faith vision do you have that needs to be completed? Start talking to it. A paraphrase of Proverbs 4:20-27 is really telling us to focus on God’s words, fix your eyes on them, and keep them in the midst of our hearts. That’s what is called total immersion. In other words, you get away from all distractions. You don’t turn to the right or the left. You are totally focused on your course. The Message Bible says in Proverbs 4:25, “Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions”. Wow! There are so many people that will try to talk you out of your vision or tell, you that you can’t do it. Proverbs 4:27 in the New Living says “Don’t get sidetracked”. It says, “Do not swerve” in the New International and in the Revised Standard it says, ” Let you eyes look directly forward”. Focus builds confidence. Mark 5 Jesus tells Jairus not to be afraid but only believe when the distraction, deceiving news came that his daughter had died. In other words, He told Jairus to FOCUS.

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