How To Plant A Christian Garden

I found this sweet little recipe of inspiration on a yellowed piece of paper the other day when I was cleaning.There was no author listed, and I couldn’t find it on the Internet. “1) Plant 4 rolls of peas: presence, promptness, perseverance, preparation. 2) Next plant 3 rows of squash: squash criticism, squash gossip and squash indifference. 3) Then plant 3 rows of lettuce: let us be unselfish, let us obey Christ, let us love one another. No garden is complete without turnips: turn up for prayer service, turn up with a smile, turn up with new ideas, turn up with a determination to praise and worship Him and contribute to the spirit of the meeting and not just be a blessing-taker. Water this garden well with the Living Water, the Word and irrigate it on your knees with prayer, and watch it produce results.”

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