“Sometimes a stretch of water must be walked on before you can get to Jesus for the MIRACLE you need.” ———Lilian B. Yeomans (Matt.14:29)
Author Archives: anoi7929
Live It
“I am not going to teach it unless I live it.” ——- John C. Maxwell
Purposeful Process
“The process He is taking you through has a purpose. Trust God even when it does not make sense.” ——— Tobymac
Lay Hands On Sick
“As a believer, you’re anointed and commissioned to lay hands on the sick and expect to see them get well.” ——-Rick Renner
Stay In The Word
“The enemy will not be able to do you any harm if you stay in the Word of God putting the Word in your mouth and in your heart.” ——-Kenneth Copeland
Well Done
“Well done is better than well said.” ———Unknown
You Can’t Outgive God
God is awesome. He told me to give something valuable away instead of selling it. The next day someone sent me more money than I would have received from selling it! God is tremendous!
To Be A Christian
“To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable in others because Christ has forgiven the inexcusable in us.” ——-C. S. Lewis
Face It
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” ——-James Baldwin
Be Sharp
“Iron sharpens iron. You can’t be sharp hanging around butter-knife people.” ———Prairie Girl