“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Til your good is better and your better is best.” ——— St. Jerome
Author Archives: anoi7929
Freedom From Sin
“Jesus came to give us freedom FROM our sins, not freedom to TO sin.” ——-Pastor Mark Barclay
Power Of God
“The power of God moves in the direction of those who believe” ——-Pastor Kenny Gatlin
Holy Spirit’s Leading
“We must be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.” ——- Pastor Chuck Evaline
Take Charge
“Regardless how desperate your situation is, you must take charge in the Name of Jesus. By faith, resist every symptom and circumstance.”
——-Pastor Kenny Gatlin
Victory Ahead
“There is victory ahead in Jesus so simply refuse to quit going forward in Jesus’ Name. ———-Pastor Chuck Evaline
Don’t Quit
“No matter what comes your way keep pressing through in faith no matter what – DON’T QUIT!” ———Pastor Chuck Evaline
Storms Of Life
“Once the storms of life come your way, the the type of foundation your life is built upon becomes visible to everyone.” ——Pastor Kenny Gatlin
Delayed Is Not Denied
“Delayed does not mean denied. God is just giving you a moment of cf silence to prepare you for what He is about to do in your life.” ———Bishop T. D. Jakes
Those Who Believe
“The power of God moves in the direction of those who believe.” —————Pastor Kenny Gatlin