“Hope is a divine dream. It’s an inner image that’s built on you because it’s built on the promises of God. As a Christian you ought to be a dreamer. Take the Word of God and build some dreams today.” ———An excerpt From Faith to Faith Daily Devotional by Kenneth Copeland
Author Archives: anoi7929
Fear Leaves
“When you know the Lord is for you no matter what you’re facing fear leaves.” ——-Pastor Kenny Gatlin
Do The Fearful
“Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it…That is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.” ——- Dale Carnegie
Be In Worship
“If you have lost your worship, you are not in faith.” ——-Pastor Kenny Gatlin
Finding Meaning
“Life is not about having everything. It is about finding meaning in everything.” ———Joel Randymar
Living ByFaith Regardless
“You can live by faith regardless of the current circumstances and situations that you face.” ——-Pastor Kenny Gatlin
4th Of July
“Let’s celebrate our American freedom and our spiritual freedom. Shout for joy and REJOICE! Thank God for the constitution and the Scriptures.” ———Pastor Mark Barkley
Looking At Things
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ——Wayne Dyer
Live By Faith
“We still must have faith in God and His Word that His Word is working in our life and is producing victory for me and my family. Live by faith in Jesus today.” ———Pastor Chuck Evaline
Fighting The Good Fight
“When it comes to the battles of life and fighting the good fight of faith, there will be no second-place trophies or participation ribbons provided.” -——Pastor Kenny Gatlin