Supernatural Healing

“If supernatural healing is not for today, God would have to change His Name from ‘I AM’ to ‘I was’.” ——— Kenneth E. Hagin

Beautiful People

I was surprised to receive a card from the hospital workers, who assisted me at St.Luke’s, who had their picture and comments on how I was feeling. That was very sweet. Every single nurse was so kind. I also saw my surgeon for the last time. Dr. Christopher Cronin is the most awesome ever. He is a beautiful Christian who spreads God’s love. I was blessed beyond blessed to have him do my operation.

Lift Up Someone

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” ——- Booker T. Washington

Optimism Magnet

”Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.” ———Mary Lou Retton

Hold Tight

“If any circumstance can easily separate you from the promise you say you believe, then you don’t have a tight enough grip on it.” ———Pastor Kenny Gatlin

Holy Ghost Joy

“It’s the Holy Ghost joy that begins to capture the attention of the lost and attract them to Jesus. So get your joy back.” ——-Pastor Kenny Gatlin

Stay Put

“Stay put in the hard places, and you’ll eventually rest upon the mountaintop.” ———Kenneth E. Hagin

Mind Must See It

Pastor Bill Winston said, “Your feet will never go where your mind has never been.”

Don’t Bunt

“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.” ——-David Ogilvy

Do Something New

“To get something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” ——-Ellen Burgan