
“Thinking faith thoughts, and speaking faith words, will lead the heart out of defeat and into victory.” —— Kenneth E Hagin

Army Of The King

“There are still vacancies in the ranks of the army of the King . If you are afflicted, step out and receive healing and then get back to work.” -——— Lillian Yeomans

Rise And Rebel

“Rise up in the faith! Rebel against that sickness and disease.” ——- John Osteen

Thank God

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived. ———-General George S. Patton

Sing And Praise

“When we begin to sing and praise, He inhabits our praises, and the devil flees in terror.” ——Pastor Kenny Gatlin

Carnal People

“Carnal people always love a carnal preacher.” Dr. Lester Sumrall

Father Time

“Most people are far more submitted to ‘father time’ than they are to Father God.” —————Jason Gatlin

The Greater One

“Because the Greater One dwells in you, He has made you more powerful than the attacks of sickness, lack, or any other attacks that may come against you.” ———Pastor Kenny Gatlin

Stay In Faith Realm

“If the devil can keep you in the sense realm he’ll whip you. But if you will stay in the faith realm you’ll whip him.” ————-Kenneth E. Hagin

Pray A Lot

“People who pray a lot, don’t usually do a lot of talking. And people who talk a lot, don’t usually do a lot of praying.” ——-Pastor Kenny Gatlin