Stay In Your Lane

“Don’t get out of your lane——be what God called you to be.” ———Kenneth Copeland

Honor God

“We honor God by honoring His Word:”. ——— Pastor Jaime Hernandez

Never Late

“God is never late., we’re just impatient.” ——-Tobymac

He’s Finished

“God doesn’t start until He’s finished.” ——-Pastor Bill Winston

Water Inside

“It’s not the water on the outside of the ship that sinks it, it’s the water inside the ship that sinks it. Don’t allow the water of the world into your life.” ——-Unknown

Everything You Need

“You have everything you need to be what you see in the Word of God”.” ——- Pastor John Jester

Hold On

“Hold on, sit tight, God knows what He’s doing.” ——-Tobymac

My Convictions

“My convictions in Jesus Christ will always come first.” ——-Dodgers Pitcher Blake Treinen

Without Jesus

“You may think you can live fine without Jesus, but you cannot afford to die without Him.” ———C. H. Spurgeon

Religion And Jesus

“Religion makes you change from the outside in, but Jesus makes you change from the inside out, ———-Unknown