“‘Open rebuke is better than secret love’ (Prov. 27:5). Those who are offended when corrected really hurt themselves.” ———Pastor Mark Barclay
Author Archives: anoi7929
Give God The Glory
“Whatever good thing we do we should always give God the glory for working through us. Without Him we are nothing.” ———Pastor Chuck Evaline
I’m At Peace
“I’m at peace today, because no matter what I’m facing, God is with me! If you know that God is with you, insert Amen.” ——-Anonymous
Positive Thought
“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” ——-Anonymous
“Empathy is a characteristic that helps relationships thrive. When we sense that someone has compassion for our suffering, it builds trust and intimacy.” ——— An excerpt from “Draw Near to God” by Zondervan
His Smile
“He meant us to see Him and live with Him and draw our life from His smile.” ——- A. W. Tozer
Known By Adjectives
“I’ve decided that I want to be known by adjectives. A few examples would be…Saved, redeemed, delivered, rescued, forgiven, justified, born-again, and sanctified.” ——- Nathaniel Rodriguez
God’s Precious Thoughts
“King David marveled in Psalm 139:17, ‘How precious also are your thoughts to me, oh God! How great is the some of them!’ God is infinite and will always have new things to reveal to us, and He will never reject us.” ——-An excerpt from “Draw Near to God” by Zondervan
See The Outcome
“Faith sees the outcome. You have to see yourself healed, with the answer, and with the supply.” ———Pastor Kenny Gatlin
Living By Faith
“Some people have believed that living by faith, means never having to use their faith.” ——-Pastor Keith Moore