“Many are troubled because the Gospel interferes with their sin.” ———-C. H. Spurgeon
Author Archives: anoi7929
Stick With Love
“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” ———-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Refuse Negativity
“I refuse to entertain negativity. Life is too big and time too short to get caught up in empty drama.” ——-David Broughton
Learn To Pray
“All you need to do to learn to pray is to pray.” ———Wesley Duewell
Heaven’s Resources
“Wake up to the abundance of heaven that’s made yours through Jesus…Rejoice. Heaven’s unlimited resources have been made available to you!” -———An excerpt From Faith to Faith Daily Devotional by Kenneth Copeland
Go To Heaven
“Better to go to heaven alone, then to hell with a herd.” ——- C. H. Spurgeon
Be Teachable
“In prayer, be teachable at the feet of Jesus.” ——-Pastor Jay Harris
Prayer-Hearing God
“Faith in a prayer-hearing God will make a prayer-loving Christian.”——-Andrew Murray
Trust Him
“Don’t let your own ideas of how God’s going to work rob you…Just trust him and let Him do things His way. He will work mightily in you.” ————An excerpt From Faith to Faith Daily Devotional by Kenneth Copeland
First Step
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” ———-Martin Luther King Jr.