“Do we have to see it to believe it? Yes. Faith needs to see it in our hearts.” ———Kevin Shorter
Author Archives: anoi7929
“Prayer is the most sacred occupation a person could engage in.” ———-A.W. Tozer
The Father And Creation
“The Father looks beyond our mistakes, condition, and behavior and looks with compassion and His creation.” ——- Gerri Di Somma
Trust God
“Sometimes the scariest thing we can do is let go of it and trust God.“
———Dr. Mark Barclay
Keep Eyes On Word
“Keep your eyes on the Word of God until it’s more real inside you than anything else. If you do, you’ll be able to walk your way across water just fine.” ——— An excerpt From Faith to Faith Daily Devotional by Kenneth Copeland
Worn-Out Bible
“A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” ——Charles Spurgeon
The Joyful Christian
According to C.S. Lewis, “Joy is the serious business of heaven,” and attaining that joy is the business of the Christian. From his book, The Joyful Christian
Jesus Will Rescue You
“When you find your heart troubled or overwhelmed by a negative circumstance in your life, don’t trust in your own strength to fix it. You can trust Jesus to help you. He is your Savior and He will rescue you as many times as you need.“. ——-Anonymous
Guard Your Words
“Don’t ever let your mouth and tongue get together without your approval. Guard your words.” ——-Carl Asbury, author of “When They Say You Are Going To Die”
God’s Love Is Ours
“There is not a drop on love in His (God’s) Heart that is not yours and you may dive into His immense ocean of love, and say that this is mine.” ——- Charles Spurgeon