“We are made for God alone, Who can only be pleased when we turn away from ourselves to devote ourselves to Him.” ————Brother Lawrence
Author Archives: anoi7929
The Spirit Of Christ
“When you don’t know what to say or how to pray, the spirit of Christ living in you does.“ ————-John Bevere
Merry Christmas
“The only way you can fail is if you stop praying.” ———Pastor Mark Batterson. Always be in prayer, this Christmas and always!
Window Of Prayer
“We carry checks on the bank of heaven and never cash them at the window of prayer.” ———Vance Havner
Close To God
“The closer we are to God, the more the slightest sin will cause us deep sorrow.” ——-R,C. Sproul
God’s Gift
“Make up your mind to prayerfully trim away the extra things you’ve added to your life. Stir up the gift God has placed within you. Get back to what He has called you to do!” ——-An excerpt From Faith to Faith Daily Devotional by Kenneth Copeland
Walk By Faith
“Once Peter began to walk by sight faith departed and fear came. So, remember this: If you are walking by sight, you are walking in fear.”——-Pastor Kenny Gatlin
Your Master’s Voce
“Listen for and obey your Master’s voice. His is the only one that will matter in the end. So listen for His voice and obey Him, so that you may hear Him say one day, ‘Well done thou good and faithful servant.’” ——— An excerpt from Sapphires by Jonathan Cahn
See The Invisible
“Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible.” —- Frank L. Gaines
God-Inspired Idea
“There’s a huge difference between a good idea and a God-inspired idea.” ——— Pastor Craig Groeschel