Speak The Word

“Choose to speak the Word of God out of the abundance of your heart and not what your 5 senses tell you and you will begin to see victory in your life.” ———- An excerpt from The Cutting Edge Daily Devotional by Dr. Larry Ollison

Rejoice And Give Thanks

“ Rejoicing and giving thanks from the heart will always overcome anything negative.” ———Graham Cooke

Be A Giver

“Jesus never built a worldly empire for Himself. But that doesn’t mean He was poor. It means He was the greatest giver who walked the face of this earth, and its time we started following in His footsteps.” ——An excerpt From Faith to Faith Daily Devotional by Kenneth Copeland

We Are His

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Song of Solomon 6:3. “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.”


“God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.” ———Mother Teresa


“If you’ve been praying for some thing and you just cannot seem to get an answer, check your heart for unforgiveness. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring any grudge that’s hidden there to light. Forgive and you will soon see things you’ve been praying for come to pass. “. ——-An excerpt From Faith to Faith Daily Devotional by Kenneth Copeland

God’s Report

“Every bad report that you receive in the natural realm can be changed by God‘s report (the Word of God) when it is believed. Because God‘s word will supersede any other word when it is acted upon.” ——-Pastor Kenny Gatlin

Love And Kindness

After being blessed the other day by the extreme kindness of the man who changed my tire, I’ve been meditating on the kindness that emanates from loving hearts. You not only want to be around that love and kindness but you want that love and kindness to pour forth from you!

Speak In Faith

“When you ask for something in prayer, you have to start speaking about it as if it already exists.” ———Myles Munroe

A Kind Deed

Yesterday I was so very touched. I got a flat tire and this sweet man and his sons changed it and would not take any money for doing it. I have been so moved by his kindness and am praying that God will super abundantly bless him and his family above and beyond. I have not met anyone with such kindness!