Smiles And Laughter

We shouldn’t let a day go by without smiles and laughter! Dau Voire said, “Laughing is, and will always be, the best form of therapy.”

Solitary Spot

“Everyone must have some solitary spot where he can be alone with His God.” ——-Andrew Murray

Side-Shaking Laughter

“As a general rule the best men and women laugh the most. Good, round, side – shaking laughter is healthy for everybody.” —-Brother Calvin Fairchild

Four Things About Prayer

“Four things let us ever keep in mind: God hears prayer, God heeds prayer, God answers prayer, and God delivers by prayer.” ——E.M. Bounds


“Contentment is the peaceful happiness that comes when we are in awe of how God feels about us.” ——-Graham Cooke

Your Mind On God

“Keep your mind turned toward God and your ear inclined toward Him throughout the day.” —-Max Lucado

Do Not Fail To Pray

“The only way to completely fail in prayer is to fail to pray!” ——- Pastor Sue Curran

Confess The Word

“Begin to act as though the Word of God is true every hour of the day regardless of what comes or how you feel. Keep adding to your faith – – meditating on it, confessing it, seven days a week. Eventually, your faith will be bigger than you ever dreamed it could be.” —-An excerpt From Faith to Faith Daily Devotional by Kenneth Copeland

The Triune God

“As I plunge on into the knowledge of the triune God, my heart moves on into the blessedness of His fellowship. This means that there is less of me and more of God –-thus my spiritual life deepens, and I am strengthened in the knowledge of His will.” —–An excerpt from the devotional, “Tozer on the Almighty God” compiled by Ron Eggert

God Is Great

“When David faced Goliath he didn’t talk about how dangerous Goliath was, he talked about how great God is.” ——-Dawn Barklay Randolph