Queen Elizabeth II made this beautiful statement. She said she wished that the Lord would come in her lifetime so she could lay her crown at His feet.
Author Archives: anoi7929
Time FOR The Lord
“It is possible that we can get so busy doing work ‘for’ the Lord that we have no time FOR the Lord.” ——A.W. Tozer
Jesus’ Protection
“Jesus said He would be like a mother hen and cover His chicks. Let Him! Let Jesus cover you today and enjoy His protection and blessing.” —-Pastor Chuck Evaline
“Worship changes the worshipper into the image of the one worshipped.” ——Pastor Jack Hayford
Continue In Prayer
“We must patiently, believingly, continue in prayer until we obtain an answer.” ——George Muller
God’s Eyes
“I know the only way for me to see the world is to see it through God’s eyes. ——-Henri Nouwen
I Will Arise
“It’s time we stop staying down when we fall. Micah 7:10 says ‘When I fall, I shall arise.’ It’s time we get up in Jesus’ name and live a victorious life. Rise up today and be blessed.” ——Pastor Chuck Evaline
It’s Working
“The seeds you’re sowing, the prayers you’re praying…they are not in vain. Remember this promise: ‘He makes everything beautiful in its time.’ ( Eccl 3:11) God’s part is the timing. Our part is the trusting. Expect it. It’s coming.” —–Pastor Gregory Dickow
God At Work
“God has rolled up His sleeves. All the nations can see His holy, muscled arm. Everyone, from one end of the earth to the other, sees Him at work, doing His salvation work.” (Isaiah 52:10) The Message
Secret Place
“Oh, let the place of secret prayer become to me the most beloved spot on earth.” ——-Andrew Murray