“Oh, let the place of secret prayer become to me the most beloved spot on earth.” ——-Andrew Murray
Author Archives: anoi7929
Daily Fervent Prayer
“If Jesus said that He could do nothing without prayer, then you and I surely cannot hope to accomplish anything of eternal value and significance without daily, fervent prayer.” ——An excerpt from the Jerusalem Prayer Team Daily Devotional by Michael Evans
God Of Peace
“When you live right, think right, and do the Word of God, you not only enjoy the peace of God, but have the God of peace with you at all times, in all circumstances.” ——–Pastor Kenny Gatlin
God Forgets
“When God forgives us and purifies us of our sin, He also forgets it. Forgiveness results in God dropping the charges against us.” ——-Billy Graham
Pray Much
“He that loveth little prayeth little, he that loveth much prayeth much.” —–Augustine
Listen To God
“Too often our problem is that we listen to the news rather than sitting and listening to the voice of God in our own circumstances!” ——-Graham Cooke
Intimacy With God
“A man who is intimate with God will never be intimidated by men.” ——-Leonard Ravenhill
Abundant Trust
“Trust receives what prayer acquires. So, what prayer needs, at all times, is abiding and abundant trust.” —–E.M. Bounds
Prevail In Secret Place
“Those who prevail in the secret place of the Most High cannot be beaten anywhere.” ——–Samuel Chadwick
Worship And Enjoy
“God is trying to call us back to that for which He created us, to worship Him and to enjoy Him forever.” —–A.W. Tozer