“Blessed In Darkness”

Joel Osteen’s new book, “Blessed in the Darkness”, was just released. He discusses what we should do when we ‘re going through difficult situations. He said when his Dad died in 1999, it was the darkest time in his life. God gave him such a peace , and what he thought was his darkest hour launched him into his brightest hour. This is some of the advice he gives in his book. You just have to run your own race. Don’t fight everything that doesn’t work out for you! Control what you can control and then go on. You don’t have to prove yourself and defend yourself. Don’t concentrate on what your critics are saying. Let all that go. Don’t put anything negative in your spirit. Just stay in faith and live from a place of peace. Be positive even in negative situations. By example love one another. He then gives this reassuring promise. “There are seeds of greatest in us – dreams, goals, talents, potential – that will only come to life in a dark place.”

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