Grab Ahold Of God

With the hustle and bustle of Christmas, I found this passage in Brennan Manning’s book,”Dear Abba”, To be quite meaningful. When our thoughts should be centered in the real meaning of Christmas, not only has it’s meaning become foggy, but many people, including Christians, do not really know their Savior with an intimate, passionate, and furious longing. Here’s what Brennan says, “Many Christians never have grabbed ahold of God. They do not know, really know, that God dearly and passionately loves them. Many accept it theoretically; others in a shadowy sort of way. While their belief system is invulnerable, their faith in God’s love for them is remote and abstract. They would be hard-pressed to say that the essence of their faith-commitment is a love affair between God and themselves. Not just a simple love affair but a furious love affair. How do we grab ahold of God?…The answer comes irresistibly and unmistakably: prayer.”

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