Going Nowhere Fast

“A famous British public figure was on his way to a meeting in Dublin. Arriving late at the coach station, he hurriedly jumped into the coach, and ordered the coachman, “Drive fast!” The coachman took off speeding through the city streets. A while later, the passenger said to the coachman, “Do you know where you’re going?” The coachman answered, “No, but I’m driving fast.” That’s a perfect picture of modern man. We’re all so busy racing through life that we so often forget the reason, meaning, purpose, and why of what we’re doing. Is that you? Do you find yourself driven through life, driving fast, but you’re not really getting anywhere? The first thing you need to do is stop. Take time to be still with God. Ask Him if this is what you’re supposed to be doing with your life. He might tell you, “No,” or, “Yes, but you’re doing it all wrong.” Be open to change. Instead of living a life that’s driven, live a life that’s Spirit led. As it’s written, you shall go out with joy and be led forth with shalom; with peace. TODAY’S MISSION – Today, spend time with God and ask Him to direct your steps according to His plan.” ——An excerpt from Jonathan Cahn’s Sapphires

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